
Launching soon: The Ground Game Podcast!

Tom LoBianco of 24sight News and Patrick Pfingsten of The Illinoize report the race from the ground up. Sane voices only.

Hey friends,

and I are teaming up to launch a new pod with a unique way of covering this very important race for the White House — from the ground up. Every race is decided from the ground up, and we’re skipping the horse race for intelligence from the smartest operators who understand everywhere from Erie, PA to Maricopa County.

This is a podcast of sanity and intelligence in a world of politics littered with insanity and a fog of crazy. We’re bringing on the biggest players in politics in the key battleground states who share a grounding in reality and can help cut through the fog.

Pfingsten is a veteran politico, author of the Illinoize on Substack and morning host on WMAY-FM in Springfield, Ill.

I’m a longtime politics reporter, with stints at the AP, CNN, and more covering everything from statehouses to the White House and three presidential races. And, of course, author of the Mike Pence biography, “Piety & Power.”

We built this after a number of good talks on a shared belief that voters in the middle and disaffected Republicans and Democrats have been pushed aside by clickbait madness. Time to come back, friends.

Look for more next week!

Subscribe here at 24sight.news, over at YouTube or on your favorite podcast app.

For booking or questions, email - tom@24sight.news or patrick@theillinoize.com


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